How Long Does it Take to Get Used to Sleeping with a Weighted Blanket?

How Long Does it Take to Get Used to Sleeping with a Weighted Blanket?

Wondering, how long does it take to get used to a weighted blanket?

Usually, it may take around a week to get adjusted to a weighted blanket although; to start experiencing the benefits of a weighted blanket one must wait around three weeks. It might take anywhere from three weeks to four weeks (21 days to 28 days) to develop an activity into a habit. This is normally when most of the benefits of a weighted blanket will be felt, and then after ninety days, it can become a lifestyle change to make the most of your weighted blanket.  

You’ve purchased the product everyone was raving about only to, wait for it, stand clueless to all things that revolve around it. Except for the benefits, of course. We’re usually pretty clear on that, especially when chartering into unknown territory.

The thing is, weighted blankets are popular for a reason. They’ve stood the test of time, are extremely versatile and durable, and vibe with every possible sleeping position

But you’re perplexed as they’re yet to work for you, right? Don’t be.

We’re here to offer you the answers you seek and more.

How Long Does it Take to Get Used to Sleeping with a Weighted Blanket? Bamboo Weighted Blanket on Couch in Living Room.



The Effectiveness of Weighted Blankets - Factors That Dictate It


The effectiveness of weighted blankets is not just driven by the fabric or the knit pattern it’s made of. No, sir. It’s also influenced by your sleeping patterns and everyday routine. That’s not something most of us factor in when we look at benefitting from a product that’s made its mark in the wellness industry.

To pinpoint your exact time frame when starting to experience weighted blanket benefits is difficult, it may deliver lighting-fast benefits, and for some, it may take a while.

If you fall into the latter category and are looking to speed up the process of getting a good night's rest, you may want to investigate your sleep habits. As Leon Brown said, “you are your worst enemy.” Maybe that’s dramatic in this context, but that does not make it any less true. Your sleep habits and patterns could be influencing the extent of benefits a weighted blanket can offer you. 

There are brain, nervous and genetic disorders that may have an impact on this time, such as attention deficit disorder and down syndrome as well as other pros and cons of using a weighted blanket



How Do Weighted Blankets Work?


The process is the crux of the matter. Weighted blankets offer deep pressure stimulation (DPS) that not only initiates a beautiful, relaxing night of sleep by increasing melatonin but also increases serotonin, the feel-good chemical. Thankfully, it can decrease cortisol, your body’s fight or flight response. 

Weighted blankets also reduce your stress and anxiety, calm your nervous system, help relieve pain, and induce deep sleep, thanks to the Deep Touch Pressure (DTP) technology they make use of. What’s more? Their benefits extend to people with autism, ADHD, restless leg syndrome, osteoarthritis, chronic pain, and sensory processing disorders. 

The effects of deep pressure stimulation are explored in a 2015 study which found that a whopping 78% of the participants found weighted blankets to be a very agreeable way to increase a sense of calm. The same study reports that 63% of participants noticed a decrease in their feelings of anxiety. Surely, that’s something to go on?

If you have trouble falling asleep or tend to wake up multiple times throughout the night, using a sleeping blanket, also known as a gravity blanket, might just be the one thing that can help induce better sleep without any side effects! How many products and services that claim to induce sleep can do that? Well, here’s a spoiler—not many. 

So cling to your weighted blanket. No, seriously. It might take some time to show noticeable effects, but once it does, you’ll be glad you gave it time.


Is It Possible for Users to Adapt to Weighted Blankets in Different Ways?


This is definitely an interesting question. The answer to this question has gotten a lot of different responses over the years, but we'll cover what we know.


What Is Normal?

People who use weighted blankets often ask if their experience is normal. The answer to this question is, "it depends on what you consider normal."

Everyone reacts differently to sensory experiences, and it seems as though weighted blankets can affect everyone in different ways. For some, using a weighted blanket will be calming and soothing, while others might find the opposite true for themselves.


The Average User

The average weighted blanket user falls somewhere in the middle. A majority of users experience some sort of relaxation effect, but others do not notice much of a difference, or it is too subtle for them to notice.

Because there's no way to know how your specific body will react to using a weighted blanket (and no two people are alike, so this would be impossible to do), you may want to order a weighted blanket and try it for yourself.


Who Should Avoid Using Weighted Blankets?


Weighted blankets are a fool-proof solution to getting good sleep. However, infants, young children, and people with sleep apnea should avoid using weighted blankets as they may be a safety hazard. It’s always wise to consult a doctor before including weighted blankets in your sleep routine.


Is It Hard to Get Used to a Weighted Blanket?


The answer to this question is "no," but it's possible that people might find the experience difficult because of the weight, not necessarily because of anything else.

For those who struggle with sensory overload (and anxiety as a result), using a weighted blanket may seem like an odd or overwhelming idea. The feelings associated with those experiences can be very difficult to deal with.

Some people may think that using a weighted blanket sounds calming, but they also worry about how it will make them feel in comparison to when they're not using it.

In other words, the weight of the weighted blanket might feel too heavy or too much for them to handle at first glance, even when, in reality, it applies light pressure.

Weighted blankets most certainly do help people with sensory sensitivities and anxiety disorders (and they can most certainly be used by anyone), but it's possible that someone might find the experience of using one to be too much for them to cope with at first.


How to Use a Weighted Blanket


Knowing how to use a weighted blanket correctly is the key to catching some quality zzzs without resorting to sleep medicine. If this is your first time using a weighted blanket, it would be wise to take baby steps instead of covering your entire body right off the bat. That is bound to make you feel suffocated and take away what little remnant of sleep you had when you first lay down on the bed.

To avoid dealing with the shorter end of the stick, follow this step-by-step guide to weighted blankets.


Choose The Right Weighted Blanket

Right now, Sunday Citizen has four different types of weighted blankets. You can pick and choose materials, color, construction, and weight as per your preferences. If you’re unsure about which weight to choose, opt for a weight that’s about 10% of your body weight. That should do the job of putting light pressure on your body just fine.

Thanks to the 90-Day free shipping and free returns protection offered, you can afford to pick one that best suits your needs without losing your investment. Pretty sweet, wouldn’t you say?


Take It On a Test Drive

After you purchase a weighted blanket, consider testing it during the daytime before incorporating it into your nighttime routine. Just use it for short periods and when your body gets used to the added weight, shift to using it in the nighttime for better sleep quality.


Start Small, Then Move Up

You may want to start slow, covering only half your body initially and then moving for full coverage step-by-step to reap its calming benefits to the fullest. This will help your body adjust to the additional weight with ease and, thus, initiate better sleep. 


Be Consistent

John Wooden said, “Good things take time.” Remember that the next time you’re tempted to use the good old comforter or duvet because you’re yet to see any change in your sleep routine after using your brand new weighted blanket. 

Here are some sleep habits that can help speed up the process:

  • Having regular sleep-wake patterns.
  • Make sure the bedroom temperature is conducive to sleep.
  • Limited exposure to light and sound before bedtime.
  • No alcohol or coffee consumption right before bedtime.
  • Stop using your mobile device at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Practicing yoga and education.


Be consistent, and you’ll reap great long-term benefits.  


Should You Sleep in a Weighted Blanket for the Entire Night?


It's not necessary to sleep in your weighted blanket for the entire night. It can be used during naps throughout the day if you wish, or it can be left on overnight. Sleeping in a weighted blanket isn't going to cause any harm, but there are different feelings of comfort when sleeping with a weighted blanket that people might prefer over others.

If a person can sleep better with a weighted blanket on, it might be good to keep it on throughout the night. For others, they may find that sleeping with a weighted blanket keeps them from falling asleep quickly or staying asleep.

In this case, leaving the weighted blanket off is likely going to help make falling and staying asleep easier for them. Also, getting the weighted blanket according to your body weight helps.


Wrapping Up


Sleeping with a weighted blanket can be very rewarding. If you’re wondering, is it OK to use a weighted blanket every night? The answer to that is a strong yes. 

You may notice some discomfort initially; after all, it does take time to get used to all that added weight. But once you do, the gentle pressure of the weighted blanket will allow you to bank on the many benefits it offers, all while enjoying deep, quality sleep.